Support the Health Ministries
Our Health Ministries rely on partnerships with individuals, congregations, and local business. If you'd like to join us as a Mission Partner consider a financial gift . Your contribution, directed to the Health Ministries, will only be used towards expenses related to the Health Ministries and not for congregational activities. A Health Ministries donation will allow us to continue to provide much needed health care and services like over-the-counter medications, flu vaccine, splints and braces, and other items necessary to stay healthy and dignified as well as help provide pay for our small staff.
Direct Cash Donation
Checks can be made payable to Christ Lutheran Church (be sure to put "Health Ministries" on the memo line) and sent to Christ Lutheran Church, 124 S. 13th Street, Harrisburg, PA 17104. Donations are tax-deductible.
Donations In Kind
If you would like to donate items for those we serve, please call 717-260-9320 Monday – Friday, 8 AM to 3:30 PM, to find out what is currently needed.
Consider a gift that will help provide a lasting legacy by remembering Christ Lutheran Church in your will.
Support the Congregation at Christ Lutheran Church
Christ Lutheran Church is a vibrant, diverse, and active congregation engaged in worship and mission beyond the Health Ministries. A financial donation directed to the congregation supports our ministry and outreach to children and youth, spiritual and religious activities and education for all ages. Financial contributions to the church helps us quickly respond to emergency needs that arise among our neighborhoods. They also help cover administrative costs, salaries, and support the fellowship and worship life of the congregation. We are grateful for your support of the congregation of Christ Lutheran Church.